The Strawman Theory Explained – Est 2000

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Your Cestui Que Vie

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Reclaim Your Strawman

Understanding the pros and cons when it comes to reclaiming your strawman.

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Cestui Que Vie Act 1666 What Is Cestui Que Vie? “Cestui que vie” is a legal term that comes from old English law. It refers to a person…

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Why you shouldn’t use Quantum Grammar The word Quantum Grammar is a made up construct created by a man named David-Wynn: Miller who is widely…

Reclaiming Your Strawman

The Strawman Theory

Interested in reclaiming your Strawman? Well meet Your Strawman and everything to do with your legal fiction.

Did you know that because the Government love us so much they created a separate entity with your name called a legal fiction when you were born. Well, so that’s how the story goes. But are there any truths behind it all?

What does it mean when people use the term ‘reclaim your strawman?’ Is it necessary to do so? Does this method even work? How do you even reclaim your strawman?

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