8 Points On How to present yourself in court Lawfully

Court Etiquette’s

1. Everything in court is commercial in nature.
2. Everything in court is contract.
3. The public courts have both public and private side.
4. Since the courts are commercial in nature, the accounting side is last in first out.
5.There is no remedy on the public side of a court without a private settlement being dealt with on the private side (this is where to resolve issues privately)
6.One can only get a private settlement (remedy) without partaking in a public benefit.
7.You must respond to every offer (letter of correspondence) and stay in honour (creditor).
8. The private process settles the case – the public process ratifies the settlement.

Everything in court is commercial in nature

  • All courts are claim courts – you or another party brings in the claim.
  • The claim could be defined as being a deed -security – agreement -document of title – and/or any other various negotiable instruments.
  • The courts operate in nature under the law of the sea (Maritine Law) hence the usage of terms associated with ships. (Dock, Bay, Currency)
  • It is your duty to bring the courts to the correct jurisdiction and present your case under the common law (the law of the land).
  • Civil procedure rules – when it comes to commercial procedures within the court – you must stake a claim that relief can be granted upon. So if it isn’t a claims court your not going to prevail with adequate remedy.

Everything in Court is Contract By nature

  • A right is defined to be a remedy which is nothing more than a contractual procedure.
  • Contracts are dynamic and fluid and can change at any time – be aware of what is in your contract and how to stay in a position of honour within your contracts.
  • REMEMBER!! Whilst one moment you are in a contract – it is easy to leave your contract or be bound by terms you unintentionally consented too, changing the nature of the original contract altogether.
  • Listen to the words used in court.
  • Know what you are being asked before you speak.

Public Courts Have A Private Side and Public Side

  • Know which side you are on within the courts.
  • The public side is where you file your paperwork with the clerk; stand in the bar/dock of the courtroom.
  • The private side is where you conduct an administrative procedure behind the court rooms and file directly into chambers – no need to to step into a court room or the dock.
  • You cant settle debts on the public side.

Since the courts are commercial in nature, the accounting side is LIFO (Last in First Out)

  • Your documents would need to be last in on top of the judges files so any input in procedure is resolved.
  • Never go into court unless you have your last set of documents in.

There Is No Remedy On The Public Side

  • Matters would need to be dealt with privately with your peers before entering into a court
  • Your are known as the debtor when you appear in court on the public side – only creditors stay on the private side in court.
  • Debtors are deemed irresponsible and so the judge will determine how your case will proceed and what comes out from the case.
  • You cant close any accounts on the public side as a debtor.
  • Creditors on the private side can settle accounts without the need for a court procedure.
  • A court case is an account hence the monetary value placed on the debtor who loses once the court is over.
  • All you can have on the publkic side is a liability and being you came in on the puiblkic side, you the debtor are rwsoinsible for that liability
  • Always deal with your case privately before the public realm.
  • All you can have on the public side is liability of the public. so all you can do is act as a debtor and be liable for any debts and bills.

One can only get a private settlement (remedy) without partaking in a public benefit.

  • The public Strawman – the debtor is always in the public taking and receiving benefits.
  • To have a solicitor deems you unfit and irresponsible to account for your own dealings in court.
  • Filling for a bond or bail is a benefit only available to the debtor.
  • A double minded individual cannot act as the creditor on the private side and act as the debtor on the public side receiving benefits that a debtor receives.
  • you can settle a debt or a dispute on the private side (The Creditor) or you can play defendant and argue (The Debtor) but you CANNOT PLAY BOTH SIDES!
  • The debotr account is not the accomdating party to a creditor, to play both sides is deemed irresonsible

You must respond to every offer (letter of correspondence) and stay in honour (creditor)

  • Every offer in the public or private realm must be dealt with swiftly in a timely manner.
  • Never argue the facts – you will be in dishonour; instead accept all facts upon proof of claim (act as a creditor) “I accept the charges and claims upon proof of claim”.
  • The burden of proof id on the claimant not the defendant.
  • General rule is that every acceptance is accepted upon value.
  • Every acceptance on the private side is accepted for full value, than it undergoes a 3 part process that gets recorded into the public reducing it to a claim.
  • All Claims are remedial.
  • One must never be in dishonor towards their proceedings, to not answer any court documents is dishonour, to not address claims is dishnour, to argue a claim is dishonour, to accept a claim upon the condition that it can be proved is honour.
  • Failing to respond is dishonour.
  • Standing mute in court is dishonour.

The private process settles the case – the public process ratifies the settlement.

  • Take two witnesses to be able to for everything: one witness for the private resolution; second witness is for ratification in the public to verify and validate all settlements on the private side

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