What is Reclaming Your Strawman? – Your Legal Fiction?
“When we began our exploration of the concept of a ‘Strawman,’ some members of our group took the initiative to submit Affidavits asserting ownership of our Birth Certificates and copyright over the Legal Fiction, also known as reclaiming your strawman. Additionally, we established a fee schedule to protect ourselves as living beings in case we were unlawfully arrested for any actions assumingly committed by our Legal Fiction – the strawman. This process involved creating documents to differentiate ourselves from our Birth Certificates. Oh how we learnt from this!”
Now, let’s clarify some misconceptions surrounding ‘Reclaiming your Legal Fiction’.”
What does it mean to ‘Reclaim your Strawman (Birth Certificate)?
Reclaiming your Birth Certificate or reclaiming your strawman refers to the process of assuming control of the legal fiction that is associated with your birth certificate. This means that you, as the living person, are now in a position of control over the legal document and have established a security interest in it, effectively becoming the owner of the document.
This change in roles is similar to the concept of a trust, where the relationship between the trustee and the beneficiary is altered. In this case, the individual claiming their birth certificate is the trustee and the legal fiction is the beneficiary.
In order to fully understand the concept of reclaiming your legal fiction or reclaiming your strawman, it may be helpful to have an understanding of the basic principles of a trust.
But first lets take a brief look at the history and its origins.
A Brief History
The Freeman-on-the-land movement, also known as the sovereign citizen movement, is an organized group of individuals who espouse various ideologies and beliefs about government and the legal system. The origins of the movement can be traced back to the late 1800s in the United States, where it emerged as a response to the country’s shift towards a more centralized government and the erosion of individual rights. The movement’s origins were rooted in the idea of “freeman” or “freeborn” Englishmen who were not subject to the rule of any government, and the belief that individuals have inherent rights that pre-date the existence of any government.
The movement gained traction in the 1960s and 1970s, when it was fueled by a growing mistrust of government and a desire for more autonomy and self-sufficiency. The movement drew inspiration from a variety of sources, including the American Revolution, the Magna Carta, and common law, and it was heavily influenced by the tax protest movement of the time. Freeman-on-the-land members argue that they were not born into the jurisdiction of the state and therefore are not bound by its laws and regulations. They argue that the government has no right to impose taxes, regulations, or other forms of control over them.
In the 1980s and 1990s, the movement began to take on a more radical and anti-government stance, with some members advocating for the establishment of common law courts and the rejection of government authority.
So Why An Emphasis On Reclaiming Your Birth Certificate?
The emphasis on reclaiming one’s birth certificate or reclaiming your strawman within the Freeman-on-the-land movement stems from the belief that the birth certificate serves as proof of the government’s ownership of an individual. According to this belief, when an individual is born, the government creates a legal fiction or a “strawman” in the form of a birth certificate, which serves as a representation of the individual in the eyes of the law. The Freeman-on-the-land movement argues that by reclaiming one’s birth certificate, an individual is taking control of this legal fiction and asserting their sovereignty over their own body and life.
Meet Your Strawman
Is ‘Reclaiming’ Your Strawman or Birth Certificate The Right Thing To Do?
This is a question that would need to be answered by yourselves which can be done through understanding what it is you are trying to accomplish, or what your intentions are. It is not a question that you can answer blindly by just following what others are doing or acting on what has been said to you. This is a topic in which you will need to dedicate some time towards and do some extensive research to decide for yourselves whether you want to proceed with any processes.
Movements like the ‘Freeman movement’ and other ‘Sovereign citizen’ movements will always assert that your ONLY remedy lies behind reclaiming your Birth Certificate by sending off specific documents and re establishing new contracts between the state and yourselves.
But there other ways in asserting your rights both privately and publicly. Please remember the whole essence to all of this information and what gave rose to these movements all comes from a will and desire to be able to protect ones rights whether private or public.
It is about your rights! nothing more or nothing less!
The ‘CommonLawCourts.com’ for example states on their website that they will register your interests and reclaim for you, your Legal Title.
The assertion that the government has taken individuals’ names and claimed them as their own is not entirely supported by any tangible evidence. However, due to the fact that we have rules and regulations attached to what we can do with our given names and how we can use them indicates some level of control over the name. This is more apparent when you operate as a public citizen in the public realm of society and state, for instance to change your name, you will have to go through a process to ensure its proper name change and for it to be accepted in the public and on public records. It is more accurate to understand that the government has established a trust using individuals’ names and has granted themselves a security interest in said trust. This understanding can be more effectively gleaned by analyzing the principles and guidelines of trust law and how a trust works in its basic levels.
Take Note!
It is important to note that in the realm of legal entities and commerce, individuals require a means of recognition. Similar to how a game piece is necessary for participation in a board game, a legal fiction or trust serves as a vessel through which individuals can operate in the world of legal entities and contracts. It is important to understand that the creation of these legal fictions and trusts were done for the benefit of individuals, as they provide a means of recognition and participation in the world of commerce as this world is based heavily on legal entities being fictions. It is worth noting that ultimately, individuals retain control over their names and it is only through their own actions that they can relinquish it.
What some of us don’t realise is, you already have a claim and security interest over your Birth Certificate, you just have to act in the role in which you wish to assert as for the most part we are not acting in its correct roles.
Lets take a look at how a trust works and operates, the different roles and its purpose.
Trust Structure
A Trust is a contract between parties. There are 4 parts to a trust. They are:
- Grantor/Settlor,
- Trustee
- Beneficiary.
- Res (Property)
A Trust usually describes the disposition of property – the property is the subject matter of the contract. A Trust splits the title to property into two different entities. One holds Legal Title and one holds Equitable Title.
The 1st party to the trust is the creator of the trust known as the Grantor or Settlor or Trustor and is the party that makes the offer to contract. The settlor furnishes the consideration for the creation of a trust. Funding the trust happens by the transfer of property into the trust. It could be a home, could be jewellery or precious gems, could be an automobile, could be computers, furniture, etc. The trustor can put his or her bank accounts and stocks or investments, and any other immediate assets into the name of the trust once created. The trustor specifies the terms of the trust contract (trust indenture), which governs the conduct of the trustee and the rights of the beneficiaries.
The 2nd party to the trust is the trustee. The trustee holds the legal title to the trust assets. He or she is the one to whom the offer is made. The trustee accepts the responsibility of carrying out the terms and conditions of the trust contract and is the protector for the property that is put into the trust which is the collateral.
The 3rd party is the beneficiary who is the equitable title holder. The beneficiary is the one who has a claim and use of or possession of the property within a trust. The beneficiary has equitable interest. They receive the benefits of utilising what is part of the trust property. So for example: If a trust being set-up for a specific person and in this trust has a car as its property. the per
The concept of trust law and how it relates to the ability to receive benefits from the government, specifically in the context of the United Kingdom, is a complex one. The Cestui Que Vie trust, which includes all residents of the United Kingdom.
The “cestui que vie” trust is a legal concept that refers to a trust created for the benefit of a person’s life, where the trust property is held by a trustee until the beneficiary’s death.
In other words, imagine that you have some property that you want to ensure goes to a specific person when you die, but you want to make sure that the property is managed and taken care of until then. You could create a cestui que vie trust, which would allow you to appoint a trustee to hold the property until the beneficiary’s death.
During the beneficiary’s lifetime, they would typically receive any income generated by the property, but they would not have direct access to the underlying asset itself. Once the beneficiary dies, the property would pass to any other beneficiaries named in the trust or according to the instructions in the person’s will.
According to trust law, a beneficiary of a trust can have access to the property within the trust and receive benefits from it (Government support benefits, housing benefits etc). However, it is important to note that when one claims or asserts themselves as an interest holder of legal title(Reclaiming your strawman), they may lose access to these benefits as a beneficiary. This is because the legal title holder is considered to be in a position of control over the trust, and therefore, the benefits that come from the trust are not available to them.
It is also worth mentioning that another type of trust called a Constructive Trust is often discussed in the context of the Freeman-on-the-land movement. This type of trust is said to be created when an individual’s role is shifted and placed within it by default, putting them in the trustee position.
The Constructive Trust
First, let us see the definition of a constructive trust.
A constructive trust is an equitable remedy imposed by a court to benefit a party that has been wrongfully deprived of its rights due to either a person obtaining or holding a legal property right which they should not possess due to unjust enrichment or interference, or due to a breach of fiduciary duty, which is inter causative with unjust enrichment and/or property interference
Constructive trusts are imposed by operation of law. They are also referred to as implied trusts. They are not subject to formality requirements.[3] Unlike a resulting trust, which also arises by operation of law, a constructive trust does not give effect to the imputed/presumed intention of the parties.[4]
Instead, constructive trusts are largely said to be triggered by unconscionability. This is the idea that a defendant would be unjustly enriched if they were allowed to keep property for themselves. The main issue with this argument is that we would have to have a really broad approach to unjust enrichment in order for a constructive trust to come under that underpinning concept in order for us to understand constructive trust
The Freeman-on-the-land movement argue that the trust that individuals should be operating under is different from the one that they are currently operating under. They claim that a constructive trust was created by the state, which resulted in a displacement of property and ownership between individuals and the state, with the state as beneficiaries and individuals as trustees. They argue that in order to regain control over property and rights, individuals need to assert their role within this trust, which would take them back to the jurisdiction of the Cestui Que Vie trust.
Due to the Cestui Que Vie trust not being asserted by its title holders or its beneficiaries, property within this trust gets placed within a Constructive trust which is often created without paper work and exists only on record and expressively. This is the trust we are operating in on the most part in Commerce. Hence why it is important to always assert your roles wen it comes to contracts and entering into contracts to ensure that you are entitled to what is rightfully yours, whether that is property or a right.
Legal maxim: He who fails to assert his rights has none
Do you want to have Legal Title to your strawman?
To have Legal title to such a document will take away your position as beneficiary. This is something that we must always remember. Having a beneficial interest in your estate means that you are entitled to all the benefits and interests associated with that estate. As a legal title holder, you are under a fiduciary duty to act in the best interests of the beneficiaries of the estate, and you are liable for any debts associated with the estate, rather than the state being held accountable.
The Birmingham City Council, for example, has a duty towards its beneficiaries as mandated by the Local Government Act of 1888. This duty is reflected in the council’s actions and responsibilities to the community it serves. (seen below):

“All duties and liabilities of the inhabitants of a county shall become and be duties and liabilities of the council of such county.”
As per their legislation, the Birmingham City Council, like all other councils, clearly holds the position of Trustees to its members, who are all equitable interest holders of their birth certificates. As Trustees, they have a duty to manage the assets and liabilities of the trust, which include the community and its residents. If an individual assumes the role of a legal title holder, they also assume the position of Trustee, and become responsible for any liabilities incurred.
“It has been there in front of us all this time. we just didn’t know where to look, they actually tell us what our roles are – we just didn’t know how to read their paperwork”
Take a Look at Your Birth Certificate roles as it stands now: how to reclaim your strawman

As we can see in the image above, the Government has assumed us to the role as trustee and made themselves beneficiaries (which is evidenced by performance). for example, we pay our fines, bills and debts to the council, any other scheme that they offer to us that demands payment becomes a payment on our behalf, to them. Perfect example is the window tax of the old and the bedroom tax of the new.
How Your Birth Certificate Roles Should be:

This is how the roles should be if we want to assume the correct role and receive the benefits we are entitled too. Here, the council have been put to their trustee roles enabling them to act on our benefit.
How to Reclaim Your ‘Strawman’
The Reclaiming Process
There are different ways when it comes to ‘Reclaiming’ your Birth Certificate or reclaiming your strawman according to the Freeman on the land movement. Here we will describe three of those methods. and we will talk about whether or not you should be doing this.
Method 1 (Not Recommended):
This method is one of the oldest methods and is widely used by all ‘Freeman movements’. (Without understanding what it is you are sending off, there is no point in sending anything else, as these only act as a record of information). The key thing in this method and process is in your performance -it is how enforce the terms to your contracts and assert your rights.
Assuming you have done your research, you would than need to gather together some documentations that will form a contract in which you will than send to the state (Whoever is in charge at that moment in time). So for example, if it is Boris Johnson that is head of the state, than all documents would need to be addressed to Boris first and than his agents. You would need to send these documents off as a signed delivery package as this will form part of your proof of claim when it comes to defending your contracts.
The next thing you would need to do is get your documents either notarised or postmaster stamped (done by your postmaster who can verify you at the post office). You are now ready to send your documents off.
Send off to the state:
Affidavit of claim
Fee Schedule
Copyright Claim
Indemnity agreement
The basis on how this is enforced and works is due to the commercial rules surrounding unrebutted Affidavits. Once an Affidavit has been presented and their are no rebuttals to its claims -An unrebutted Affidavit stands as truth in the commercial realm and can be evidenced via the Maxims of Law.
“An unrebutted affidavit stands as the truth in Commerce”
“An unrebutted affidavit becomes the judgment in Commerce.”
So when you send off your documents to the state, well, who is going to reply? To reply is to assume some form of liability, and on the most part, these documents will most likely be shunned to the back of a file cabinet or be put in the bin at worst, with the added: “Here’s another one”. So if you send a reasonable Affidavit and it is unrebutted, than by their own Maxims, its stands as Truth.
As for your last steps, you would need to notify certain heads of state departments of your intentions to stay in a position of honour.
Heads of departments include:
After notifying your heads of states. you would than need to keep a safe record of your documents and if possible register them online (This can be done via a website you reference or create specifically for safekeeping and recording such documents for public use).
Method 2:
You create a verified and witnessed affidavit. Go to the high courts of chancery with your Affidavit claims and bring an action against the state using the Cestui Que Vie 1707 act as your remedy. You would need to post your claim in the petty bags office and direct your claims towards the attorney general. If he attorney general refuses to address your claims, you can add charges in for damages.
(Read Cestui Que Vie Act 1707 for full description of steps and remedy)
Method 3:
This method is by far the most fluid of all methods. It involves an adversarial game between adversaries. If your an individual who reacts and can be reactionary by nature, this method may not be for you as this method requires a sound, humble and patient mindset. This method requires a lot of study, understanding and insight into your rights and different roles surrounding contracts.
This way doesn’t require you to have any specific documents or have to by any means send any documents off to the state. This method requires your enforcement and assertion at all times. This is the difference between knowing and understanding what it is you have studied. The latter will take you all the way to the end, whereas the former, it will only serve you for a term.
With this method, It is for the courts and authorities to prove that you are not who you say you are. This stance requires knowledge and understanding in actually knowing who you are, the roles you play, and how society operates – how commerce works.
Legal maxim: He who fails to assert his rights has none
ID Cards
You actually don’t need an ID card to prove who you are, if it makes you feel better and for your own safety of mind, than by all means get yourself an ID card. but it is not necessary. Alot of people are now selling ID cards that claims to give you ‘freedom’. The problem here is, if you are buying those types of ID cards and you do not now how to exercise such a freedom, well, the ID card in itself becomes void and pointless.
If you know how to act and how to present yourselves within the correct role, you do not necessarily need an ID card, however there are times when IDs can be a thing of benefit.
IDs as members of a Private Society
When it comes to private societies or joining a club. Having an ID would be something of the norm and can be a good way to clear up any presumptions. If you have joined a separate society/nation or other entity separate from the United Kingdom, and you choose not to associate yourselves with the United Kingdom. Having an ID would be a benefit and come in handy as it will give a written record detailing which society or nation you are part of. It will also act as a record of information.
“Everything is assumed and presumed in the United Kingdom – it is assumed that you are a member of their society and that you are the Birth Certificate name. To have an ID card and specific documents will help remove such an assumption, however if your actions do not reflect such information than your documents hold no weight”
So it is all is pointless if again, you do not know how to act within your jurisdiction and navigate through the public world of commerce.
[…] See separate post on Reclaiming your Birth Certificate) […]
[…] decisions and understand that you don’t have to get rid of your birth certificate or need to reclaim your birth certificate. There is another […]
can you show me how
We will be having more content on this topic and the know how’s soon Brother
We have heard about this but haven’t really looked into it.
Seems like scary stuff! Is this all legal?
Hello can you please send me everything in every detail that I need to know to control my strawman. I am Man Raymond.
Thank you for visiting our site. We are working on creating course content for you guys. We will send you a message once they are ready.
Hello can you please send me everything in every detail that I need to know to control my strawman. I am Man Raymond.
You can download our books from the book store https://theforgottenlaw.com/shop/
Hello can you please send me everything in every detail that I need to know to control my strawman. I am Man Raymond.
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Great info thanks. I followed a tg group for months. They were sending affidavits and all sorts out but they had to keep doing it as it was when Doris left and dizzy lizzy came in. Then the group just disappeared. Glad I held out on all that and found this page. Thanks.
Thank yo for your comment and acknowledgment
Haѵing read this I thought it was very еnlightening.
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But so what, it was still worthwhile!
Thank you so much for the content – I am studying it carefully. I am most interested in removing myself from association with the government and the statutory authorities because I have been shaken these last few ‘Lockdown’ years by how quickly the so-called inalienable rights and freedoms I took for granted can be removed. May I ask, once a succesful Affidavit of Claim has been created, and I have my Strawman back in my possession, would I have to remove myself from the entire trust as a trustee, or could I ‘contract’ so-to’ speak with certain parts : e.g, the DVLA or HMRC? Also, very much look forward to more content.
You would do well if you notify all agents and authorities of your status. When you reclaim your birth certificate (being that we are using that term for general understanding) you will be acting as trustee to your trust. the strawman was always in your possession, it was created for you to act and receive benefits as a beneficiary, you just didn’t assert your role in that capacity. you have to ask yourself what is your goal in all this to determine what remedy you want for yourself. we have a birth certificate, but you are not it, it is your ticket to receiving benefits within their system. If you remove yourself from the trust you collapse the trust altogether? is this your aim? would you want to create a new trust and operate in commerce that way? commerce is a fictitious world and only recognises and can interact with fictions. so you will still need some form of a trust. We suggest a living trust
Thank you again. I visited a local solicitor today to confirm they would indeed sign my Affidavit of Claim. So far so good – wow all I need to do is make sure I make a good job of writing it! And may I ask please why the fee schedule, Copyright Claim and Indemnity Agreement would be needed when sending copies? Kind regards, Brian.
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Interesting version of the Strawman idea, however it would behove you to know that your use of the “sovereign citizen” phrase is usually a derogative term as well as showing ignorance. On top of that, “Sovereign Citizen” is an Oxymoron, and one cannot be a sovereign, and a citizen at the same time. The two are mutually exclusive. Your enemies will usually use such ‘said term’, to incarcerate you and lock you up for fraud and other reasons at whim. Do not give them that chance and be very careful of your word/phrase usage in front of them.
From the Merriam-Webster dictionary :
[Some common synonyms of sovereign are autonomous, free, and independent. While all these words mean “not subject to the rule or control of another,” sovereign stresses the absence of a superior power and implies supremacy within a thing’s own domain or sphere.]
We were all born as sovereigns, and that status was stolen from us by the vermin at the time your mother signed the ‘live birth record’ and then issued with a ‘Birth Certificate’ (actually a death certificate). Justice and Fiduciary, Anna von Reitz gives very good advice on her web site of all the pitfalls to watch out for. She has her detractors and trolls that try to rubbish her, but she has always been right, “spot-on” some might say. I have learned a lot over the years in my law studies, and Anna always has the answers I am seeking. Cheers, until next time. Jeff.
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