The History of Gillick Consent

Gillick v West Norfolk and Wisbech Area Health Authority Gillick competence is a term originating in England and wales and is used in medical law to decide whether a child (under 16 years of age) is able to consent to their…

Are Vaccines Mandatory?

Leaders at Chelsea and Westminster Hospital Foundation Trust have been discussing making covid-19 vaccination a contractual requirement for all staff, in a leaked email published by the Independent newspaper. The email, signed by the trust’s chief executive, Lesley Watts, was sent to…

Legal Title vs Equitable Title

Who owns + controls the contract? (Using a registered car as an example let’s identify which entity holds legal title and which entity holds equitable title) So, You go to the Department of Motor Vehicles and apply for registration (Apply…

Your Birth Certificate

Trust Law

What is a Trust? A trust is a legal arrangement in which a person or entity (the grantor) transfers ownership of their assets to another person or entity (the trustee) to hold and manage for the benefit of a third…

people, man, adult, law

Existence of Life

A Philosophical Viewpoint London 1666, during the black plague and great fires of London, Parliament enacted an act behind closed doors, called Cestui Que Vie Act 1666. The act being debated was to subrogate the rights of men and women,…

Cestui Que Vie Act 1707

Part 1 Cestui Que Vie (life beneficiary) Act 1707 says: (1) An Act for the more effectual Discovery of the Death of Persons pretended to be alive to the Prejudice of those who claim Estates after their Deaths. Reasons for…

legal, right, justice

A Summary of different Law types

Natural Law Natural law and natural rights follow from the nature of man and the world. We have the right to defend ourselves and our property, because of the kind of animals that we are. True law derives from this…