Who Are We?
If You’re here because you’re interested in reclaiming your Birth Certificate, understanding your strawman – your legal fiction, you’re in the right place. You won’t need to read countless blogs or books after going through our site and reading our books. We’ve been studying and practicing this subject for over 25 years and have been living privately for more than two decades. Unfortunately In this field, there’s a significant amount of misinformation and misunderstandings.
We created this website with the intention of providing a comprehensive resource for information. This website is designed to dispel myths and misconceptions about reclaiming your birth certificate, becoming a “freeman on the land,” and also provide a deeper understanding of how the law applies to you.
We Are Not a ‘Freeman of the Land Movement’
We’ve had the privilege of learning from renowned figures like John Harris, Robert Menard, and various other pioneers of this movement. As a result, you might find that what you discover will challenges your initial beliefs on this subject.
There has been a considerable amount of misinformation circulating, and many individuals have faced legal troubles, some even ending up in prison because of it. If it weren’t for the misinformation we’ve witnessed in the public domain, we might not have created “The Forgotten Law” and produced this information. However, due to the misguided paths some have been led down, we felt compelled to reintroduce this topic in a more accurate and concise manner, with the hope of guiding people toward the right path that can lead to what we all ultimately desire: Freedom.
The essence to the sovereign citizen movement will always be intact, but there is now too much personal opinions and theories that have been mixed in with it along the way causing more harm to others than it should.
Welcome to the Truth based on real life experiences.